Best LinkedIn Headlines For Recent Grads (with no experience)

If you’re looking for a job as a fresh graduate with no industry experience, here are nice guidelines to help;

LinkedIn Headline #1 (For Recent Grads with NO Experience):

Recent ___ graduate with a focus in ___, ___ and ___.

Example Headline for a Recent Graduate:
Recent Finance graduate with a focus in financial analysis, reporting, and auditing
However, if you’re a recent graduate who has any relevant work experience, even an internship or part-time work, I’d recommend highlighting that with any of the LinkedIn headline formulas that we looked at previously.
That’s REAL experience that employers will care about and value. So you can use any headline we’ve previously looked at.
FYI- if you just graduated and aren’t sure what career path to choose, I just wrote an article with the 3 best jobs for recent graduates.

How to Choose the Right Keywords For Your LinkedIn Headline

If you’re job hunting, you want to get found by recruiters.
So try to brainstorm industry-specific keywords that can go into your LinkedIn headline, no matter what formula/example you’re using above.
Avoid generic phrases like, “Experienced Leader” and think about hard-skills and specific knowledge useful in the type of jobs you’re seeking.
This can be technical terms or specific areas of work within your industry.
  • HTML
  • Content Marketing
  • GMP Manufacturing
  • Audit Compliance
  • Sales Prospecting
  • Employee Onboarding
  • Phone Customer Service
  • HR Compensation and Benefits
  • Etc.
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This is important for every job seeker, but especially those who are changing careers or industries.
Make sure you include keywords that employers are looking for in your NEXT ideal job.

One More Tip – Your LinkedIn Headline For Job Searching Doesn’t Need to Include Your Last Job Title

You may have noticed in a lot of the headline formulas/templates above, there’s a place to include your role or main area of work/expertise.
However, there’s no rule that this needs to be your exact job title.
You can put the title of the jobs you’re targeting, for example.
Or if you have an unusual title like, “Client Happiness Manager,” you can change it to something more common/recognizable. (Which will also put a more relevant keyword in your LinkedIn headline).
So just keep this in mind as you use the templates above to write your own LinkedIn headline for job searching.
Think more about what keywords/titles your future employer will want to see, rather than what your past employer decided to name your previous role.

What To Do Next: Write Your Own LinkedIn Headline for Job Hunting

Don’t go turn on the TV or YouTube and forget all this. Put this info to use!
Go grab a piece of paper or open a blank document on your computer, and try to plug your information into some of the LinkedIn headline examples above.
Come up with 2-3 headlines that sound good to you and then come back a day later and see which one stands out to you (stepping away for a day after writing something is a good way to come back with a clear perspective!)
Then go update your LinkedIn profile!
If you follow the LinkedIn headline tips above, you’ll have a headline that stands out in your job search and gets you more interviews. 

via careersidekick


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